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Q: What does dual resolution on DuoView mean in respect of digital x-rays?


A: Great Question. Since no other manufacturer can do this we need to explain. While different for every manufacturer all systems have a number of total pixels spread out evenly over the face of the detector. The pixels are universally square. The best resolution a system can obtain is that pieces of anatomy fill exactly one pixel and does not extend into the adjacent pixel. Since anatomic detail can be microscopic, the smaller the distance between pixels the more likely you will be to resolve small anatomical structure like hairline fractures. The larger the distance the poorer the resolution.

Many detectors, often called flat plate detectors, actually have spaces between pixels as much as 3 times larger than your DuoView detector.






Q: Why do veterinarians need higher resolution images then human doctors?


A: Great question and one many medical doctors are shocked by. Our patients are typically smaller than human patients. Even a human neonate at a bit under three pounds is still considerably larger than many patients seen on a daily basis in a veterinary clinic.

By example, the foot of a cat has the same bones in it as your hand... they are just MUCH smaller. Therefore we need better resolution. No system at any price has a higher pixel count per sq/cm than DuoView in high-resolution mode. In Hi-Res mode DuoView has over 29,000 pixels per sq cm compared to 5,000 pixels per sq cm on the next best competitors system.

The best CR systems have about 3400 pixels per sq cm
All other DR systems have about 5000 pixels per sq cm






Q: I understand there are 2 types of DR digital x-ray technology - CCD and Flat Plate. Is it easier to position using one over the other?


A: The DuoView system is just as easily positioned as any other under table device. It simply replaces the location of the film in the film tray or bucky.






Q: Is Duoview CCD or Flat Plate technology?


A: Duoview uses a very high density CCD (Charge Coupled Device) Technology. The crucial difference between Duoview CCD and Flat Panel Technology is that Duoviews CCD based detector does not have electronics in the radiation field. This means the electronics are not at risk of getting damaged from the radiation beam allowing the sensor to have a much longer life with easy maintenance. For Duoview this means they have over 3000 man-years without a single detector failure. CCD, unlike Flat Panel also has 100% fill factor which means 100%of the pixel area is used which provides a higher resolution of the image with a lower radiation dose.



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